Anello Mouthpieces

Internet Privacy Policy

Anello Mouthpieces only gathers personal information, such as first and last names, home addresses, email addresses and credit card numbers, when voluntarily submitted by you. If you make an online purchase, personal information will be collected from you in order to process that transaction. Personal information will not be shared to third parties.

With your permission, we will use personal information collected from you to send you information, such as updates, special event invitations, and music education campaigns. If you elect not to receive such materials, we will not send them to you.

Types of information we collect and how it is used

Companies may be engaged by Anello Mouthpieces to perform a variety of functions, such as assisting with transaction processing, providing technical services for our website, etc. These companies may have access to personal information if needed to perform such functions. However, these companies may only use such personal information for the purpose of performing that function and may not use it for any other purpose. Other than as provided in this privacy policy, Anello Mouthpieces does not sell, transfer or disclose personal information to third parties.

Anello Mouthpieces reserves the right to use or to disclose any information as needed to satisfy any law, regulation or legal request, to protect the integrity of the site, to fulfill your requests, or to cooperate in any law enforcement investigation or an investigation on a matter of public safety.

Changes to our privacy policy and how to contact us

This privacy policy is effective as of January 1, 2019. From time to time, it may be necessary for Anello Mouthpieces to change this privacy policy, so we suggest that you check here periodically. Rest assured, however, that any changes will not be retroactively applied and will not alter how we handle previously collected information.

If you have any questions about The Anello Mouthpieces Internet Privacy Policy, please contact us at:

Mike Anello
Anello Mouthpieces
3238 South 24 th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53215